Burning Bridges

Why does one burn bridges?
A tactful retreat might include warding off pursuers
But in a quarrel among friends
Why burn the bridge?

Time may turn enemy to friend in the end
So why would you break instead of bend
A tender heart rendered difficult to tend
Defended by barbs, but unable to mend 

— - — - — - — - — - — 

This poem came to me in a conflict with a friend, and for me highlighted how important it is to keep the long-term view in mind no matter how activated we are or how immediate and urgent the conflict may seem. No interaction happens in a vacuum, and every situation can be thought of as part of an infinite game that we will likely return to at some point in time. 

When keeping the fullness of the view, our actions and words will better align with a skillful and centered approach. We may even come to the conclusion that in most circumstances, life is not about winning or losing, but about playing the most beautiful game.

Want free tips to secure your communication style?

Gain the skills and knowledge to express yourself more clearly, listen actively,

and handle conflicts with grace.